School classes are back in session. We’re back on track to build swings!

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After Corona’s school closure and summer break, a new third grader joined for this year’s activity, and we have re-started the activities at school.

After listening to the opinions of the new third grader, we decided to build the swing plan first. During our first class, we went to the swing set location and used wooden sticks to mark the size of the swings and also to mark the locations of the tables and chairs the children were planning to place.

The kids also began to think about how to involve others and thought about, “What can we do to get the adults to help us?”. Ideas were listed on a paper and will continue discussing in the next class.

In preparation for the reopening the activity at school, we worked the community members to mow and take out the weeds at the place for swing. Thank you to all who participated!