This blog post is originally written in Japanese. For an English translation, please scroll down. Thank you!!
11月22日(金)〜24日(日)までの3日間、教育プロジェクトの第1回目が子供たちとともに行われました。この日のために保護者では計画の話し合い(第1回プロジェクト「珍百景さがし+ビデオ制作」に決定 )を行ってきたわけですが、実際に行われたのは子供たちが考えた「子ども目線での楽しい男木島の場所」をGoogle ストリートビューのカメラを使った360度のVR写真撮影でした。
1 子どもたちがチェキを使って島内の写真を撮る
2 子どもたちで話して、写真を選定
3 ビデオを作るための構成・セリフを考える
4 撮影
5 編集
6 上映
- 子どもが過ごす時間が多い学校内をもっとアピール
- 毎日遊べる(放課後遊べる、みんな家が近い)
- 車の数が少ないから自転車のコントロールが上手じゃなくてもいい
- 放課後の過ごす時間がゲーム以外にも選べる
- 高松にはあるようなホテルが少ない。気軽に短期間お試しに住める家がない
- 秘密基地がある
- 木が余っているので、木のゲームをつくる

- お店(子どもたちが常連のカフェ・ベーカリー「ダモンテ商会」)
- 浜
- 裏の浜
- 学校
- 夕日・朝日
- めおん
- 町並み
- 家
- 庭
- 秘密基地
- 図書館裏のブランコ
- 漫画
- 写真を冊子にする
- DIY好きの家族は男木島に来るかもしれないので、ホームセンター
- スーパーに広告を出す
- 日本だけでなく海外の人もターゲットに入るので、空港によく出入りするスチュアーデスのスーツケースに広告を貼る
- 本を書く
- 学校の手紙の配布物に広告を入れる
- 絵葉書をつくる
- ホームページをつくる
- 男木島でイベントをする
- 子ども新聞に広告を出す
- ポスターをつくる
- ツリーハウスをつくる

The first project for “Ogijima, Future Education” Project was held with the children for three days over the weekend of November 22 to November 24. For this weekend, the parents had discussed the plan, but the outcome of the first project came out different from our plan. Instead of filming video, the children took 360 degree photos using a Google Street View camera to shoot fun places on Ogijima through kids eyes.
The original plan was “hunting unique scenes and then video production” …
For the process, we were thinking of the flow in this previous article. This is the first effort as an educational project, so it was created to be a short weekend project that allowed the children to get a sense of accomplishment before boredom set in. It was designed as intense, but short term; and ending with a finished video.
1. Children take pictures of the island using instant cameras
2. Discussion and photo selection
3. Think about composition and lines for making videos
4. Video shooting
5. Editing
6. Presentation/ Video Screening
Where we were particularly careful
Motivation has been the subject of several discussions with parents, in particular, the children’s motivation during this project. The parents felt that this motivation was the key to feeling pride, having fun, and the ability to continue (GRIT). As a result of the discussion, we came to conclusion that the children would find the project more meaningful if we first talked about why this educational project started and what concerns parents have. So, we told them that we would like to have more children living in Ogijima and that we would like to do fun things to resolve the concern (this project being one of those fun things).
We talked about this the at the very beginning, and at the same time asked the kids “What do you think? What would happen if the number of children increased? What kind of children do you want to move to Ogi?” We probably took around 20 minutes to discuss. Older children had already talked about wanting friends the same age who can talk about the same topics, and some also mentioned “I want to lend and borrow books with friends.” Others said, “I just want to play outside” and ” I’d like to play soccer game with just kids”.
Once everyone was on the same page, we then moved on … how to solve the issue with action.
Day 1 – Motivation and What is Ogijima?
To move to Ogijima, you have to know about Ogijima. So we decided to search on the internet to see what kind of place Ogijima is depicted on the internet. A child who could use the PC searched Ogijima on the internet, and after seeing what images and videos were shown, we discussed it together. We talked about what was missing, what was necessary and what was good for Ogijima in order for the families with children to move to the island.
Ideas were written on small post-it notes. We also established a rule not to criticize other children’s opinions on the carpet while we were discussing.
Children’s ideas after searching Ogijima on the internet
- There is very little available about the school, where children spend most of their time
- There are not many hotels. There is no house where a family could come stay for a short period of time
- Since there are more trees, make a tree game
- Kids on Ogijima play every day (you can always play after school, everyone’s house is nearby, within walking distance)
- You don’t have to handle your bike well, because there are hardly any cars
- You have more choices for what to do after school than staying home playing games on computers or other devices
- There is a kid’s secret base
On the same day, the name changed from “after school club”, which parents thought of , to “勝手クラブ” (which translates as sort of “my own way” club). This was chosen by children with thought that children can do anything.
Day 2- Taking virtual reality (VR) of fun places on Ogijima through kids eyes
On this day, two elementary and junior high school students from Tokyo joined. Based on the theme “the fun on Ogijima from the child’s perspective” that came out of the day before, we listed places where the children could take photos.
Fun places on Ogijima that children mentioned
- Shop (Café bakery “” where children are regulars)
- Beach
- Back beach
- School
- Sunset / Asahi
- Meon
- Townscape
- House
- Garden
- Kid’s secret base
- Swing behind the library
There were about 10 places on the list and by this time we were already part way through the second day with limited time left. So there was a discussion about how to efficiently divide the group and where to go for taking photos. There were various opinions and children discussed about 15 minutes.
As a result, they decided to contact one another with a cell phone, and to divide into two groups, as well as spliting the locations of the things to be photographed on the island. At the beginning of the plan, the parents were considering using an instant camera, but because of the last minute participation of Mr. Wataru Kusuda (representative of Hreptech, who designs and develops robotics, etc.) the kids decided to try virtual reality (VR). The children were taught how to take 360-degree photos in advance at the Ogijima Library, which was the main venue for this event.
At the end of the second day, kids checked the pictures they took on computer. They seemed to enjoyed seeing the photos they took, and some learned the tips for taking a good 360 photo.
Day 3-Thinking of methods to increase number of kids on Ogijima
While confirming the VR photos taken yesterday on a computer, we discussed the methodology of “How to increase children to Ogijima” which we talked about on the first day. As an adult, the answer to the internet comes to mind first, such as uploading VR photos on the internet and spreading it on SNS, or posting a video that introduces it to YouTube. Surprisingly, internet didn’t come up until an adult took out a memo stating ‘SNS’ written from the first day.the day before, we discussed the methodology of “How to increase children on Ogijima” which we talked about on the first day. As adults, the answer of “internet” comes to mind first, such as uploading the VR photos on the internet and spreading it on social media, or posting a video to YouTube. Surprisingly, internet didn’t come up with the children at all until an adult took out a note stating ‘social media’ written on the first day.
Other answers came out instead
- Manga
- Make a photo booklet
- DIY-loving families may come to Ogijima, so advertise at home improvement stores
- Advertise in supermarket
- Since not only Japan but also international people will be the target, put advertisements on stewardess suitcases that often go in and out of the airport
- Write a book
- Place advertisements in school letter distribution
- Make a postcard
- Create a homepage
- Have an event on Ogijima
- Advertise in children’s newspapers
- Make a poster
- Make a tree house
We divided these ideas into those that cost more and those that didn’t, and each chose what they wanted to do as soon as possible. The child who wanted to make a tree house went out to find the land immediately, and then all went out, and the first project was finished.
As a special addition, at the end of the second day, there was a sudden sunset and night sky observation session. This is a way of life unique to Ogijima that children had already mentioned, such as “homes are close and it is easy to gather” and “ You have more choices for what to do after school than staying home playing games”.
Review after the first round
Listening to others’ opinions is important when creating the atmosphere
As a rule, we told them that they look at the person who was speaking, not interrupt the person while speaking, and not making critical comments. Many children especially have the tendency to talk while others are talking, say what they thought on the spot, or say “but…”. However, with kids through first to sixth grades, we felt it was important to have this rule so that we could create an atmosphere in which everyone could speak and everyone would be heard.
New things are born while running the project
This project was created with the goal of working with schools and communities in different ways of education. Throughout the planning phase, we were able to connect with adults and parents interested in these topics, making our goal easier to reach. As we move into the next phase of this project, the children may also meet more children or adults who are sympathetic and supportive, and as a result strengthen their motivation.